Factoring vs Invoice Financing

Lets compare and contrast Invoice Factoring vs Invoice Financing for a business.

Both Factoring and Invoice Financing can be referring to the same thing. However its important to know the different types of Invoice Finance and Factoring available. Depending on your business, there may be more than one option available to you.

Get in touch with Bolton Business Finance today to see what Invoice Finance options are available to your business.

compare factoring vs invoice leasing

What Is Invoice Financing?

Invoice Finance is a type of commercial finance used by businesses to raise cash from their unpaid customer invoices. This could be on a one off basis or an ongoing “revolving” facility with the Bank.

Banks and other alternative lenders will take a charge over a businesses customer invoice(s) and make the cash available. This type of business finance is suitable for businesses that trade B2B and give their clients credit terms.

It can be used by new start up businesses and long established companies.

Click here to find out more information about Invoice Finance

Factoring & Other Types Of Invoice Financing

Factoring is a type of Invoice Finance predominantly used by smaller SME’s to release capital tied up in unpaid invoices. However there are other types of Invoice Finance such as:

The different facility types will be suitable for different businesses. Important factors include sector, turnover, number of years trading, in house credit control function, clients and credit risk.

Factoring vs Invoice Finance? Get In Touch Today To Compare Your Options

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